Worship services are in-person and on Zoom

Adult Sunday School 10 am


Sunday Morning Worship Services 11:00 am 


Zoom link details to participate
Meeting ID: 609-466-0862

Password: 08525


YouTube Live link to watch the service

found at @calvarysangels3526

searchable on YouTube.com or Google.com

Children's Church occurs in the church fellowship hall during the sermon 


Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 pm

*Communion & Baptism on the first Sunday of the month



Contact Us Today!

69 Columbia Ave

Hopewell, NJ 08525

Phone: 609 466-0862 609 466-0862

E-mail: secondcalvarybaptistchurch@verizon.net

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Second Calvary Baptist Church ~ 69 Columbia Ave. Hopewell, NJ 08525 ~ Phone: (609) 466-0862 Fax: (609) 466-4229 Email: secondcalvarybaptistchurch@verizon.net ________All Are Welcome! _________ Larry D. Benton, Pastor Website: Wolverine Concepts LLC.